Generation Girl

Encouraging Girls to Pursue their Dreams

All children, regardless of gender, race or income level, should be able to pursue their dreams. Generation Girl, an initiative of the Applied Materials Foundation, is working to make sure that all girls* have the opportunity to reach their potential. We are engaging with nonprofit organizations throughout the United States to help girls gain the confidence, skills and opportunities they need to succeed in any path they choose.

Our grantees are working with girls, especially low-income girls and girls of color, to increase girls’ empowerment, facilitate leadership development, and provide access to high quality afterschool enrichment programs, including STEM.

*“Girls” refers to gender-expansive youth (cis girls, trans girls, non-binary youth, gender non-conforming youth, gender queer youth and any girl-identified youth). This definition was developed by and is used with the permission of Alliance for Girls.


Mission Unstoppable: Girls Belong in STEM!

A key part of Generation Girl is introducing more girls to STEM. Check out this episode of the hit CBS show Mission Unstoppable, where an Applied engineer introduces grantee, Techbridge Girls, to the exciting world of Applied Materials.