Protect Our Planet

Accelerating our transition to a low-carbon future powered by renewables and clean energy

Net Zero 2040 Playbook

With 99% of our greenhouse gas emissions stemming from our value chain, we designed a Net Zero 2040 Playbook to work collaboratively across our industry to reduce and mitigate our climate impact. We are committed to significantly reducing our impacts by bringing improved efficiency across our global operations, using cleaner, renewable energy and enabling groundbreaking technology innovation.

More on Our Net Zero Playbook >

science-based targets

Science-Based Targets

We’ve set Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon-reduction goals aligned with what science tells us is necessary to keep our planet from warming above the 1.5°C threshold this century. These goals have been submitted to the Science Based Targets initiative for validation. 


Renewable Energy

We are committed to having 100% of our global operations powered by renewable electricity by 2030 and engaged energy consultant 3Degrees to help us create a roadmap to achieve our goal. Through a combination of onsite generation, virtual power purchase agreements, green utility programs and renewable energy credits, we have achieved 100% renewable electricity in the U.S. and 70% worldwide, through 2022.  

White Mesa Wind

Applied achieved its goal to power 100% of our U.S. operations with renewable electricity largely through a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA) with White Mesa Wind. This 500-megawatt wind project in Crockett County, Texas, combines the generating power of 180 turbines. 

On-Site Solar

We generate solar-powered electricity onsite at six facilities in the U.S., Singapore, India and China. Combined, these on-site solar installations generated 157 MWh of clean power in 2022.

Green Procurement Programs

In addition to onsite solar generation, VPPA, and Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), we purchase renewable energy directly from utility providers in Santa Clara and San Jose, CA; Austin, TX; and throughout our Germany operations.

Employees Helping Our Environment

employee environment vianna

We have launched initiatives that reduce the carbon footprint of our operations, which include incorporating solar panels and Electric Vehicle chargers at our sites, and even installing a food digester to close the loop on food waste.”


employee environment erkan

The fight against global warming requires urgent and collective action. Our vision is to enable a better future through our actions and innovations, contributing to a more sustainable and just world—globally and in our communities.”


employee environment nicily

It is necessary to create awareness among employees how it is impacting the business as well as the planet they live in to save the resources for next generations. This is in alignment with our vision statement ‘Make Possible a Better Future.’”


Environmental, Health and Safety

We operate in a way that helps protect the environment and the health and safety of our workers, customers and neighboring communities. From emergency preparedness through product safety, we are guided by our EHS policy, which is signed by our President and CEO. 

View Applied Materials' EHS policy >

See also Occupational Health and Safety >

View our ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Certifications >


Waste Diversion

We are increasing the reuse and recycling of our product and packaging materials and the composting of organic materials from our cafeteria, as we work to minimize waste across our operations. Since 2021, we’ve increased our volume of recycled waste by 11% and our landfill/incineration diversion rate by 5%. For example, in partnership with Green Standards, we diverted 102 tons of waste from a recent renovation at our Santa Clara office, recycling 84% and donating 16% across 17 community organizations. 


Water Conservation

We work to reduce, reuse and recycle water whenever possible, in all aspects of our business. While our operations are not water intensive, we recognize the broader water impact of the semi industry. As part of our 3x30 product efficiency modelling initiative, we are gathering water consumption indicators across all our tools to identify water reduction opportunities. We report our water impacts annually to CDP, and in 2022, our CDP Water score improved from a C to B. 

View our 2022 CDP Water Security Score >