Invest in People

Cultivating a culture and talent engine where every person feels included and inspired to grow in a technology career

Culture of Inclusion


We believe there is no greater asset to innovation than the diversity of our people. We are committed to growing a Culture of Inclusion (COI) across every business group, function and region of our company. We’ve set bold 2030 goals to increase representation of women globally and underrepresented minorities (URMs) in the U.S. To ensure we achieve our ambitions, we established a DEI Engine—a framework of tools, training and processes to empower all employees, at every level, to accelerate our progress. 

Learn more about our Culture of Inclusion >

Culture of Inclusion

Perspectives from Our People


"The best part of Applied's culture is that we are an inclusive company with a diverse workforce. I enjoy collaborating with my colleagues around the world to enable innovation in a healthy and safe work environment."

United States


“As a female physicist, inclusion has been dear to my heart for many years. It is so rewarding to see the effects of inclusive leadership trainings: raising awareness of unconscious bias and insider privileges, increasing self-reflection in leaders, illustrating options for fostering an inclusion work environment and becoming an ally.” 

Dr. Ursula


"Applied’s culture is centered around growing our curiosities and moving forward together. I am constantly growing my practical and theoretical understanding of emerging technologies."



"Applied’s internship program connected me to people who genuinely care. Now that I'm a full-time employee, I am surrounded by teams that ensure that everyone can learn, grow and contribute to the success of the company."

United States

equity pay image

Pay Equity

We are committed to compensating our employees fairly and equitably.  To that end, we have structured our compensation program so that our employees’ pay is based on relevant factors such as their roles, organizational levels, and geographic locations and not on their demographics.

To confirm that we live up to our goal of pay equity, we have engaged an independent third party to calculate pay ratios comparing compensation for Applied employees who identify as men and women, both globally and in the U.S., and a pay ratio comparing compensation for employees who identify as minorities and non-minorities in the U.S.  In each instance, the ratio is based on total compensation, which reflects the sum of an employee’s base salary, any cash bonus, and any stock award.  The ratios compare compensation for employees who were in a similar role, level, and location, as of the start of fiscal 2024:

  • Total compensation for women globally was 99% of total compensation for men.
  • Total compensation for women in the U.S. was 100% of total compensation for men.
  • Total compensation for racial or ethnic minorities in the U.S. was 101% of total compensation for non-minorities.

We will continue monitoring our compensation practices and provide information about Applied’s pay equity efforts in the Company’s Sustainability Reports.

Human Rights


We are committed to protecting human rights wherever we do business and have formalized our intent in our Human Rights Statement of Principles. We assembled a cross-functional Human Rights Working Group to guide our Corporate Human Rights Program. Working in partnership with third-party advisors, we completed an assessment to proactively identify potential human rights risks and assess how effectively we are managing any potential risks. We will continue to report our progress annually through our Sustainability Report.

Read our Human Rights Statement of Principles >

See also SuCCESS2030 >

Human Rights

Occupational Health and Safety

The safety of our on-site workforce, field services engineers, suppliers and customers is our highest priority. We follow or exceed all regulatory requirements applicable to the health and safety performance of our operations, processes and products.

Learn more >

Applied Materials ISO Certifications >

See also Environmental Health and Safety >

Occupational Health and Safety

Featured Stories

women engineer


Applied’s two-year career development, skill building, mentoring and networking program supporting the career growth of female technical talent at Applied.






new college graduates


Applied seeks out diverse talent from leading colleges and universities with strong engineering and science programs and provides hands-on industry experience and insights. In FY22, we onboarded 350 new college graduates during the year, among whom 38.5% were female and 32% were URMs.

Learn More


Applied Materials actively recruits talent from the US military and is ranked among the top military-friendly companies and best places to work for veterans. Applied employs about 1,000 veterans, including about 330 veterans hired in 2022. 

Learn More
pathway learning


Employees can create personalized learning journeys through our PATHWAY program, and our technical talent receives additional specialized opportunities to develop knowledge and skills.